Pacific Tank Services is a full-service hot and cold water tank treatment, repair and maintenance company. Our services include: Tank Repair: Repair of older or leaking water tanks -- no need for costly replacement.
Tank Lining: Application of PTS Silicoat Tank lining. Fast curing, minimum down time, complete protection against corrosion. Approved by the City of Los Angeles for use in potable water service.
Tank Coating: Epoxy and other coatings for industrial storage tanks containing water, food products and chemicals.
Softeners & Pool Filter Tanks: Repair, media replacement, distribution system fabrication and replacement.
Cooling Towers: Repair of leaks and interior protective coating.
Insulation: Exterior fiberglass insulation encapsulated in canvas jacket and sealed. Energy-saving heat retention.
Preventative Maintenance: Avoid unscheduled shutdowns with periodic cleaning and maintenance.
Other: Replace gate and ball valves, safety relief valves, temperature gauges, circulating pumps. Installation of sacrificial anode rods. Extra corrosion protection.